
Letter from our President

As Publix continues to grow, it's important to make sure we have a voice in the government and legislative arenas. That's where the Publix Associates Political Action Committee (PAC) comes in. When you join the Publix PAC, you'll become one of many working toward a common goal: helping our company succeed in a competitive environment.

Legislation can have a direct impact on our day-to-day operations here at Publix. Whether it's making it easier for us to donate food to people in need or requiring new food labels, legislative changes can affect your ability to do what you do best — provide world-class service to our customers and communities.

If you haven't joined already, I hope you will consider joining me as a member of the Publix PAC. Your involvement is one more way you can help ensure Publix's success for the future.

Thank you for your efforts and leadership.

Kevin Murphy
